About School

The Sanskar gained momentum under the leadership of Chairman Lt. Col. B.S. Malik (Rtd.) and innovative directions of Mrs. Vibhati Malik who worked in unison to give the school the present standard.

Aims and Objectives

  • To Nurture the passion for lifelong learning and develop core competence of students.
  • To give students the fundamental val ues of life like truth, compassion and patriotism.
  • To accomplish & maintain high eminence through dedicated development of minds and advancement of knowledge to meet the global demands.

Our Moto
From the darkness of ignorance to the light of KNOWLEDGE The staff and students of the school are expected to keep the school motto in their minds to ensure high standard of excellence in every walk of life. The school has a strong belief that knowledge alone brings with it light, harmony,humil ity and peace.

Our Mission

  • Set high standard of comprehensive education by developing the intellectual thinking of students along with a deep sense of human values.
  • To help the students explore their inner natural talent provide them with safe, stress-free learning environment with student-centered teaching.
  • To provide affordable education to the masses.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (Promotion of Education for Girl Child in the School)
(Save the daughter, educate the daughter) is a campaign of the Government of India that aims to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls. So the school has started programme for Girls where in admission fees is exempted for girls child.