
The Library is the nerve centre of any educational complex and more so in a school. The school has a well-equipped and furnished library. Library is open to all bonafide students of the school. Due emphasis is laid on encouraging the students to spend all available spare time in the Library in addition to the specific periods provided for this purpose in the timetable. Here in the Library a wide range of book, journals and magazines are made available to the students & teachers.

  • All classes are provided with at least one library period per week.
  • Students may visit the library in their vacant period also.
  • Students are issued not more than one book at a time.
  • They are allowed to keep a book for seven days. One rupee per day is charged for late return of books. Library fine is payable along with the school fee.
  • Books marked, disfigured, damaged or lost will have to be replaced or doubly paid for by the borrower.
  • All visitors to the library must observe perfect silence and abide by the instructions of the Library in charge.

The library is airy, pleasant and spacious with comfortable furniture providing a tranquil and serene atmosphere, so essential for reading. The library with its wide range of books to meet the demand and taste of every age group, endeavors to develop the reading habits among the students. The library subscribes to large number of new papers, journals, magazines and periodicals thus keeping the students in touch with India and the outside world.